A Quick Update on Things

Posted May 23, 2018

It’s time for an update on what’s been happening, on what is happening and on what you can expect to be happening!

First of all, you might have noticed that I have recently announced my next game Chibi Ninja Shino-kun: Treasure of Demon Tower. This will most likely be my main project for now and while I intend it to be a smaller game than [Speer], it will probably still take a while to complete. [Speer] did surprisingly well and I’m hoping to keep that train rolling.

But I know that a portion of you are probably more interested in my Mega Drive shenanigans. I definitely want to keep that going and I will keep my New Year’s Resolution of finishing a Mega Drive game this year. However, I still have to figure out some sort of time management, and this is where it gets tricky.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m currently getting my Master’s in Japanese Studies and things are heating up there. This year I’ll have to write a total of 3 papers as well as my MA thesis, so that will chisel off a good chunk of my time. I’m also teaching a class for extra credit. Plus, I’ve recently gotten a job at university to help pay the bills, which eats up another 8 hours per week. But since that job isn’t enough to pay said bills, I also have to take freelance translation gigs on the side. What little time remains has to be spent on gamedev, being an adult and preferably having some sort of free time. So yeah, I’m kinda busy.

As I said, I’m not sure how I’ll manage the gamedev part yet. I’m gravitating towards making Shino-kun my main focus, as there is simply a bigger audience and my end goal is making (at least part of) a living with gamedev. At the same time, my MD-related blogs are quite popular and I absolutely want to keep doing it and become a proper member of the retro dev community. Doing both at the same time would probably be too much…unless I alternated between Shino-kun and Mega Drive dev every other week or something.

I’ve also considered going the Patreon route to help take the financial edge off a bit. I’m not sure what exactly I could offer you guys though, is there anything specific you’d like to see or get?

Anyway, enough rambling. I will figure out a solution somehow but the bottom line is: Things will most likely be a bit slower now, at least until I have my degree. Thanks for reading and thanks for your support! If you have any questions or comments you can leave them below, tweet them in my face or just send me an email.

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