Tutorials and Patreon!
Want some big news? Here are some big news!
I have added a brand-new tutorials section to this site…and to kick it off I’ve posted the first three installments of a new Mega Drive SGDK tutorial! In it you’ll learn how to create a Pong-like game for the Mega Drive from the ground up using SGDK. A new post will go up every week, so make sure to check back regularly!
I have also set up a Patreon. If you have some change to spare and feel like my work is worth it, I would deeply appreciate it if you considered supporting me. And if you don’t have the cash, that’s perfectly fine! You can also support me by telling others about my work, that helps a lot more than many people seem to think.
I want to keep this tutorial train rolling, so you can look forward to lots of new stuff in the future.
Thanks for reading and be excellent to each other!

Want To Buy Me a Coffee?
Coffee rules, and it keeps me going! I'll take beer too, though.

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