Tag: Megatiler

This is a list of all posts, games and tutorials tagged with the tag "Megatiler".

Megatiler 7 - Loading Levels

| #Mega Drive #SGDK #Megatiler

Welcome back! This time we’ll add more levels to our game and learn how to load the next one once the player has reached the exit!

Megatiler 6 - HUD, Sound and Making an Exit

| #Mega Drive #SGDK #Megatiler

We have coins now, but they don’t do anything. Let’s make them do things, like unlocking the level exit! And let’s also add some sound, because why not.

Megatiler 5 - Coins

| #Mega Drive #SGDK #Megatiler

Welcome to part 5 of Megatiler! This time we’ll add some coins for players to collect, because it wouldn’t be an adventure game if you couldn’t find valuables scattered about everywhere, right?

Megatiler 4 - Tile Movement (Part 2)

| #Mega Drive #SGDK #Megatiler

We’ve implemented a lot of movement code already, but so far it’s been not much more than a dry run. Let’s get to actually moving the player around this time!

Megatiler 3 - Tile Movement (Part 1)

| #Mega Drive #SGDK #Megatiler

We’ve got our world and we’ve got our player. A world is boring if you can’t explore, so let’s use tile movement to get our player going!

Megatiler 2 - Spawning the Player

| #Mega Drive #SGDK #Megatiler

A nice level is pointless if we can’t actually be in it. So this time we’ll spawn our player character and learn how to implement special function tiles in the process!

Megatiler 1 - Tiles

| #Mega Drive #SGDK #Megatiler

Welcome back to another Mega Drive project tutorial! This time around we’ll create a top-down game, where the goal is to collect enough coins and then reach the exit of the level. We’ll learn how to work with simple tilemaps, how to progress from one level to the next and other things! If this is your first Mega Drive tutorial on this site, then I highly recommend going back and doing the previous tutorials, starting with Megapong.