PogoGirl Devlog #23: The Steam Page is Live!
The Steam store page for Go! Go! PogoGirl is now live!
That’s…pretty much it, honestly. Please wishlist the game if you’re interested in it, even if you intend to buy it on itchio. It would really help me out a lot!
Buy the Game on Steam!
Also, a special shoutout to Robert Keder (@lobsterblues on Twitter) who drew the amazing new key art for the game!

He has done an incredible job of capturing the 90s platformer feel I’m going for with the game. He creates a lot of amazing doodles too, so make sure to give him a follow!
With this major step now taken, it’s back to working on the game proper. There’s lots to do, and I’ll keep you all updated! And if you like getting updated, make sure to follow me on Twitter @ohsat_games for even more updates.
Thank you for reading and be excellent to each other!

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Coffee rules, and it keeps me going! I'll take beer too, though.

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